Maple Balsamic Kale
I love kale. But I am also very aware that kale is an acquired taste. I didn't love it right off the bat, and in fact I was kind of intimidated to cook it! I hate soggy cooked greens, and raw kale salad can be kind of overwhelming (both from ...

Ginger Carrot Soup
This past weekend we harvested all of the carrots from our garden. We were shocked to see how many there were! We only planted 1 row, but ended up with bowls and bowls of carrots. So in order to use them all while they're fresh and most tasty, I quickly ...

Guacamole Recipe + Avocado Tutorial
Avocado's are the best. They are jam-packed with nutrients, fibre and healthy fat. And they're freakin delicious too!!! Adding half an avocado to your eggs, salad, or burgers, is the perfect way to not only get in some additional nutrition, but to make sure your meal will be filling for ...

Watermelon Jello
When I was in grade school, we were always allowed to bring in a treat for the whole class on our birthdays. Since my birthday was in June, and it was usually hot out, my mom would always make jello jigglers for me to take! They were always a huge ...

Homemade Salad Dressings – a DIY Tutorial and a Recipe Round Up!
One of the processed foods I really caution my clients against is pre-made salad dressings. The reason for this is multi-factorial: The oil is always a vegetable oil. Even if it says "made with olive oil". Check the ingredients list, olive oil will be listed after an industrial seed oil ...

Simple Coleslaw with a Lime Vinaigrette
As someone who never liked mayonnaise growing up, coleslaw was something that I avoided pretty passionately. I was even that weird kid who loved salads and veggies - but the mayo killed coleslaw for me. Then one day, a few years ago, I received a cabbage in our weekly veggie ...

Fried Plantains
Oh plantains - how I love thee! Seriously guys, plantains are the best! Here's why: They are incredibly versatile and can be used to make everything from biscuits and pancakes, to tortillas and nachos. Green plantains are savoury and a great alternative to potatoes. Ripe plantains (yellow, or yellow with ...

Braised Beef Shanks
Buying real meat, from happy healthy animals, is really important to me and it is something that we encourage clients to move towards. "Happy healthy animals" have been allowed to graze on pasture, eat the food they're meat to eat (cattle = grass, poultry and pork = grass, bugs, weeds, ...

Sweet Potato Sliders
Parties and social gatherings are more difficult for those of us who avoid specific foods for health reasons. It becomes significantly easier when you host, or if you are attending a pot luck, because you know that you will at least be able to eat what you make! The key ...

Sweet Potato Fries
One of my goals with this blog is to present simple, nourishing food. To show anyone who may stumble across this little piece of the blogosphere that it is easy to make food that tastes amazing, is budget-friendly, and is healing to your body, whether you are the picture of ...

Crockpot Chicken Stew
When people ask what my favourite kitchen tool is, most expect me to say my Blendtec. And while I LOVE this luxurious item, it’s #3 on my list. First and foremost is my food processor. If I had to choose just 1 kitchen gadget, it would be that, without a ...

Harvest Breakfast Hash
Have you ever thought about how many different variations of flour + dairy + sugar make up our breakfasts in North America? It's pretty astounding! Whether it's a bagel & cream cheese, a bowl of cereal, toast with jam, eggo waffles and "maple syrup" (i.e. corn syrup + maple flavour), ...