Have you had coconut milk ice cream yet? If your answer is anything other than “hell ya”, go out and get some right now! Specifically the brand Luna and Larry’s Coconut Bliss because it has the cleanest ingredients. It’s like the Hagen Daaz of dairy-free ice cream. Rich, creamy, and lots of great flavours (can you say dairy-free salted caramel & chocolate??). It’s amazing (I don’t work for them I swear, I just love the stuff). Other than a little bit of guar gum and their use of agave as sweetener, there’s nothing super sketchy about their ingredients. The only problem? It’s a little pricey and what do you do if you don’t have a store near you which carries them? Or what if you’re like me and you really have to be careful with the amount of guar gum you eat?
That’s where this recipe comes in!! This Summer Berry Ice Cream rivals anything that you can buy – and I’m not just saying that. Give it a try – I promise you won’t be disappointment.
This is a fairly quick ice cream recipe (with a little planning in advance) and the best part is it doesn’t require an ice cream maker (cause I don’t have one…hint hint family).
Summery Berry Ice Cream
1 can of Aroy D coconut milk (400ml)
100 ml maple syrup (it doesn’t have to be exact, you’re trying to get to a total of 500ml or 2 cups of combined coconut milk/syrup)
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen blackberries
1. Combine coconut milk, maple syrup, vanilla and sea salt. Stir well.
2. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
3. Once frozen, pop out of trays and dump into your high powered blender with 2 cups of frozen fruit. If you have a Blendtec like me, blend on “ice cream” mode. You might need to pause and scrape down the sides once or twice. (a Vitamix or food processor will work too, just be careful not to over blend!)
Scoop out and enjoy!
If you don’t serve it all up at once, you can put it back in the freezer for later. If it’s too hard, pull it out 5-10 minutes before you want it, to let it soften.
So tell me, what flavour of ice cream should I make next?
Have you ever thought about how many different variations of flour + dairy + sugar make up our breakfasts in North America? It’s pretty astounding! Whether it’s a bagel & cream cheese, a bowl of cereal, toast with jam, eggo waffles and “maple syrup” (i.e. corn syrup + maple flavour), a muffin and a double double from Tim’s – it’s all the same thing, in a different form. And most importantly, it’s all crap. None of the foods we consider breakfast foods are actually food. They’ve all gone through an incredible amount of processing, and we’re left with nutrient-poor, albeit incredibly tasty, food-like products.
The one exception is eggs so boy oh boy do I capitalize on those when I’m working with clients!
Interesting side note: someone can eat a bagel and cream cheese, or toast and PB every day for breakfast and not get bored of it, but try suggesting eggs every day for breakfast and you’ll immediately get a firm “but I couldn’t eat them every day, I need some variety”. Very interesting…
Anyways, eggs are super awesome in so many ways. They’re full of incredible nutrients, healthy cholesterol (yes I said healthy!) and lots of protein. Still worried they’re causing heart disease? Think again my friends and go read Eat the Yolks by Liz Wolfe from Real Food Liz.
Step 1: Chop VeggiesStep 2: Pile on the Bacon!
As awesome as eggs are for you, they’re also, sadly, a super common allergy. Not to mention they must be eliminated if you’re in the early stages of recovering from an autoimmune condition. And since we’ve already eliminated the other normal breakfast foods, once we eliminate eggs, we’re pretty much without breakfast foods.
Now, when you’ve been following a real food diet for long enough, you start to think of food as food, and meals as meals, instead of breakfast food and breakfast. Heck, my favourite breakfast these days is soup – but that’s probably because bone broth makes my body feel so much better. Oh and soup’s awesome.
However, I can absolutely appreciate when my clients are a little hesitant about eating regular food for breakfast. I used to be a strict “breakfast food before 11am” person – it took me a while to get to soup and leftovers for breakfast. So with that in mind, I’ve created a delicious breakfast hash brown recipe, made with foods that are often consumed at breakfast and is egg-free! I bring you: Harvest Breakfast Hash!
This beautiful dish is filled with delicious goodies. Roasted sweet potatoes, smoky bacon, sweet apples and (this is going to floor my mom) fennel! Let me explain that comment in parenthesis…I hate fennel. Like absolutely despise it! I have always hated the flavour of black licorice, even as a kid, and fennel tastes like black licorice. Interestingly enough, black licorice is in the legume family, and since I have such a severe intolerance to legumes, I like to think my fierce aversion to licorice was my body’s attempt at protecting me! Now if only it had done that with milk…
So last week our food bin brought us a beautiful fennel bulb and I felt sick about throwing it straight in the compost. I had also read recently that roasted fennel is a much more mellow flavour. Also, I had used up all my eggs making banana muffins, so we had no eggs for Sunday brunch. So I figured I’d use the fennel in an egg-free breakfast hash – something I’ve been meaning to try for all my egg-free clients! And heck, if I hated it, I knew my husband would happily eat it all. So what happened?
I loved it!!
If you’re not sure, or you think you hate fennel, try it roasted in this recipe. If you really don’t like it, this recipe is still awesome with out it. Also, if you are lucky enough to tolerate eggs, slap a fried egg on top and let this hash soak up all the yolky goodness!
Harvest Breakfast Hash
2015-02-19 14:34:24
An egg-free, autoimmune protocol-friendly breakfast that is packed with flavour! Makes an awesome side dish or salad topper as well!
Combine sweet potato, fennel, red onion, apple and garlic in a large roasting pan. Alternatively you can use 2 smaller pans or baking sheets.
Add a liberal amount of sea salt and black pepper (if not strict AIP) and stir to combine
Top with bacon pieces.
Bake for 45 minutes, stirring 2 or 3 times.
Broil for the final 5 minutes before serving.
Omit fennel if you don't like it!
Substitute butternut squash for SCD.
Top with a fried egg if tolerated!
By Amanda Naturally
Amanda Naturally http://www.amandanaturally.com/
So tell me, have you gotten over the breakfast food for breakfast hump yet? If yes, what is your favourite non-traditional breakfast? If not, give it a go and report back!